Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I fail at blog life

I am doing a REALLY shitty job of keeping up with this blog. I apologize to everyone including myself. However this time I have a pretty damn good excuse. Let me rephrase that, I have some pretty damn good excuses, well, I think they are good excuses. And as cranky and bitchy as my pregnant ass is these days...I dare anyone to disagree. Disagree equals I sit on you. Just as a heads up, I have gained about 45 pounds!!
Anyways, reasons for slacking on blog:
1) I have been building a human  
2) I have been staying at my parents while my husband was away for work, which means zero internet!!
3) I have been building a human
4) I have been building a human

See!! Damn good excuses!! And as of today, I am at 29 weeks people! I am TOTALLY over being pregnant! I want this baby out! I know, I know, some of you probably think "I can't believe she is saying this". Well kids, if you have ever met me, you know that I would totally say all of this!! Don't get me wrong Iv am super excited to be having a baby!! But pregnancy has SUCKED!!
Everything, and I mean everything gives me heartburn!! Sleeping gives me heartburn. Did she say sleeping?! YES, I said sleeping!!! Which translates to breathing, breathing gives me heartburn. Preggo legend says that "if you have a lot of heartburn while pregnant, your baby has a lot of hair." Well then I better brush up on my Wookie-speak cause I'm gonna be giving birth to Chewbacca!!!!
And kids, I REALLY REALLY REALLY want a delicious, cold, refreshing, frosty.....BEER!!! If someone could bring a cooler to the hospital while I'm in labor, I would greatly appreciate that! Cause as soon as this baby comes out someone better slap a beer in my hand. I thank you in advance whoever you are, my post-labor beer fairy, you will get in to heaven on this one task alone!!!
As of last ultrasound we are right on track for July 16th due date. Hopefully that date remains true. If they bump it to later, there will be blood shed in my OBGYN's office!!
Well, this blog is short, and I am sorry. But I am sitting at Starbucks's and I swear it is 500 degrees in here. I have already sucked down my iced DECAF coffee like it was the last liquid to ever be given to me ever!
I'm gonna go sweat in my car just from sitting and doing nothing. Driving is my cardio, cause even just that little of movement makes me feel like I have ran a damn marathon!

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