Thursday, March 1, 2012

mediocraty is for suckers!!

I refuse to sit in the back seat of my life anymore!! This is going to be a big fat blog of selfishness, cause dammit I am entitled. I am SO tired of worrying about what other people think!! I am tired of being afraid to "rock the boat" because I'm afraid of what the outcome is going to be! I am tired of not doing or saying something because of the effect it will have on the other person, or person's!!
To all of you who know me, you are probably thinking that this is a load of shit. Shannon? She cares what people think? Shannon, really? That loud-mouth doesn't speak her mind?? Well my friends hate to burst that bubble but yes, in a lot of ways I'm what you would call a people pleaser. I don't necessarily care if people like me, it's more of making sure everyone is comfortable and okay. I have done this for a LONG time, and now, I'm done!! D-O-N-E!!
I need to be okay, I need to be comfortable, I need to succeed, I need to prosper!!
Now, don't misunderstand this and think that I am going to be some insane bitch that flies off the handle on everyone at the drop of the hat. But, I will start telling people if something they are doing is negatively impacting me. I can't waste any more energy on that. I am exhausted by this. These scenarios keep me up at night. Milling situations over and over, thinking I should have said something different, reacted differently. Did I say too much, did I not say enough? BLAH, even typing these thoughts just brews up my anger at myself for turning into this type of person!!
NEWS FLASH --- Honesty is a'comin! I am going on full-blown-balls-to-the-wall communication overdrive. Look out world, Shannon is coming she isn't taking anymore negative shit, she isn't going to be passed up, she will not get lost in the crowd!
I am AWESOME!! Shouldn't I be making more people and myself aware of that everyday?! The answer is DAMN RIGHT! But you know what, I am not going to be alone on this journey. I am taking all willing and able to join me! And by joining me, you either support what I'm doing for myself, or you rise up and do it for yourself, and for the over-achiever, you do BOTH!!
Looks like I just got a package...guess what? balls just arrived and ladies and gentlemen, they are HUGE!!

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